FIBA Takes Action to Protect Young Basketball Players in Mali

After receiving allegations of systemic sexual harassment within the Mali Basketball Federation (FMBB) in June 2021, FIBA has taken a series of steps to protect young basketball players in Mali.

FIBA Takes Action to Protect Young Basketball Players in Mali
FIBA Takes Action to Protect Young Basketball Players in Mali
  • FIBA opened disciplinary proceedings against ten people, including several coaches and FMBB officials.
  • FIBA imposed sanctions on five of the individuals, including a lifetime ban from basketball for one former coach.
  • FIBA partnered with the “Fondation Terre des Hommes” (Tdh) to develop safeguarding policies, resources, and education for young players in Mali.
  • FIBA implemented an independent and secure reporting system for players who experience abuse.
  • FIBA provided legal and psychosocial support to survivors of abuse.
  • FIBA worked with the FMBB to develop a specific Safeguarding Policy.
  • FIBA appointed a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for safeguarding matters in Mali.
  • FIBA continues to monitor the situation in Mali.

FIBA’s actions demonstrate its commitment to protecting young basketball players from abuse. The organization is working to create a safe and welcoming environment for all players, regardless of their age or gender.

In addition to the actions taken in Mali, FIBA has also taken steps to protect young basketball players around the world.

  • In December 2022, FIBA’s Central Board approved the creation of the FIBA Safeguarding Council.
  • The FIBA Safeguarding Council is an advisory body to FIBA on matters related to safeguarding and protection of vulnerable groups of basketball participants.
  • As one of its first tasks, the Council proposed a new FIBA Safeguarding Policy, which was approved by FIBA’s Central Board in December 2022.
  • The new FIBA Safeguarding Policy provides a strong foundation and the tools to reinforce the protection of persons in vulnerable situations in the basketball environment.

FIBA is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all basketball players. The organization will continue to take steps to protect young players from abuse and to ensure that basketball is a sport that is enjoyed by all.

If you or someone you know has experienced abuse in the context of basketball, please report it to FIBA at

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